Key Clubs
Key Clubs are designed to help high school students develop leadership skills while participating in programs to help local and international communities. Since its founding in 1925, Key Club International has developed nearly 6000 clubs in 38 countries with hundreds of thousands of members. Key Club members develop, organize, and implement food drives, park cleanups, and other socially-responsible activities. Kiwanis Club members act as advisors, but the students are the ones organizing and completing projects.
The Kiwanis Club of Buffalo sponsors Key Clubs at City Honors and Maritime High Schools in the City of Buffalo. Our Key Clubs have been involved in:
The Thirst Project
Lack of access to clean and fresh drinking water kills more children annually than wars, malaria, and AIDS. The poor water sources cause diseases like cholera, dysentery, and schistosomiasis to flourish in underdeveloped countries.
The Thirst Project was developed to raise money and supplies to build freshwater wells in 13 different countries. As of late 2019, over eight million dollars has been raised by Key Club members throughout the world.

Eliminate Project
Key Club International has been assisting UNICEF address global issues affecting children and families for over 25 years. Altogether, Key Clubs have raised over seven million dollars to fund Iodine Deficiency, HIV and AIDS, Teen Center leadership, skills, and training programs.
Currently Key Clubs and UNICEF are focused on raising awareness and funds for the Eliminate Project. The project addresses maternal and neonatal tetanus infections throughout the world by providing advocacy and the resources to administer a tetanus vaccine regimen to the millions of vulnerable women to protect them and their newborn children against this illness.
Leadership Training Conferences
The Leadership Training Conference allows Key Clubbers from throughout New York State to gather at a central location once a year to partake in leaderships training programs, workshops, and networking events. This is also when Key Club members elect district-wide officers.

Learn More About Key Clubs in Buffalo
Key Clubs are designed to help high school students develop leadership skills while participating in programs to help local and international communities. Since its founding in 1925, Key Club International has developed nearly 6000 clubs in 38 countries with hundreds of thousands of members. Key Club members develop, organize, and implement food drives, park cleanups, and other socially-responsible activities. Kiwanis Club members act as advisors, but the students are the ones organizing and completing projects.
The Kiwanis Club of Buffalo sponsors Key Clubs at City Honors and Maritime High Schools in the City of Buffalo. Our Key Clubs have been involved in:
The Thirst Project
Lack of access to clean and fresh drinking water kills more children annually than wars, malaria, and AIDS. The poor water sources cause diseases like cholera, dysentery, and schistosomiasis to flourish in underdeveloped countries.
The Thirst Project was developed to raise money and supplies to build freshwater wells in 13 different countries. As of late 2019, over eight million dollars has been raised by Key Club members throughout the world.

Eliminate Project
Key Club International has been assisting UNICEF address global issues affecting children and families for over 25 years. Altogether, Key Clubs have raised over seven million dollars to fund Iodine Deficiency, HIV and AIDS, Teen Center leadership, skills, and training programs.
Currently Key Clubs and UNICEF are focused on raising awareness and funds for the Eliminate Project. The project addresses maternal and neonatal tetanus infections throughout the world by providing advocacy and the resources to administer a tetanus vaccine regimen to the millions of vulnerable women to protect them and their newborn children against this illness.
Leadership Training Conferences
The Leadership Training Conference allows Key Clubbers from throughout New York State to gather at a central location once a year to partake in leaderships training programs, workshops, and networking events. This is also when Key Club members elect district-wide officers.

Learn More About Key Clubs in Buffalo
Key Clubs are designed to help high school students develop leadership skills while participating in programs to help local and international communities. Since its founding in 1925, Key Club International has developed nearly 6000 clubs in 38 countries with hundreds of thousands of members. Key Club members develop, organize, and implement food drives, park cleanups, and other socially-responsible activities. Kiwanis Club members act as advisors, but the students are the ones organizing and completing projects.
The Kiwanis Club of Buffalo sponsors Key Clubs at City Honors and Maritime High Schools in the City of Buffalo. Our Key Clubs have been involved in:
The Thirst Project

Lack of access to clean and fresh drinking water kills more children annually than wars, malaria, and AIDS. The poor water sources cause diseases like cholera, dysentery, and schistosomiasis to flourish in underdeveloped countries.
The Thirst Project was developed to raise money and supplies to build freshwater wells in 13 different countries. As of late 2019, over eight million dollars has been raised by Key Club members throughout the world.
Eliminate Project

Key Club International has been assisting UNICEF address global issues affecting children and families for over 25 years. Altogether, Key Clubs have raised over seven million dollars to fund Iodine Deficiency, HIV and AIDS, Teen Center leadership, skills, and training programs.
Currently Key Clubs and UNICEF are focused on raising awareness and funds for the Eliminate Project. The project addresses maternal and neonatal tetanus infections throughout the world by providing advocacy and the resources to administer a tetanus vaccine regimen to the millions of vulnerable women to protect them and their newborn children against this illness.
Leadership Training Conferences

The Leadership Training Conference allows Key Clubbers from throughout New York State to gather at a central location once a year to partake in leaderships training programs, workshops, and networking events. This is also when Key Club members elect district-wide officers.